
WYD Day 2: Wed 23 Jan - Catechesis & Fiat USA Hosted Festival

Wednesday 23 Jan - Catechesis & Fiat USA Hosted Festival The local headlines capture it well: "Joyful pilgrims have taken the streets". Panama is awash with throngs of young people, draped in their flags, singing, high-fiving and bringing joy to all they meet. The tsunami of joy that we remember from WYD Sydney '08 has finally reached the Panamanian shores and the locals are loving it. The happy honking of car horns greets pilgrims wherever they are are trekking, with waves and many "Holas" to the people walking and passing by. I've been following my "Hola!" with a "G'day!" just to give it a bit of an Aussie twist! The Broken Bay catechesis animation team started the morning leading Catechesis at Iglesia Santiago Apostolos (the Church of St James the Apostle) in a poor part of the city. It's a small Church, seating about 220 in a horseshoe around the raised sanctuary area, led by a local, Fr Ronaldo. Large open